diploma in mediation


+44 (0)144 250 8205
[email protected]


28 Apr 2021 - 05 May 2021


All Day


£1100 + VAT

IoP Accredited Mediator Diploma - Online

With the rise of the demand for fully qualified and accredited mediators both in the UK and around the world, the IoP Mediation Course enables paralegals to learn and apply the skills needed to effectively mediate civil and commercial disputes.

This 5-day full-time virtual course is delivered and accredited by Hunt ADR to ensure that we are providing first class training, of which will lead to both an IoP Diploma in Mediation and use of the designation letters Q.Med.Pa.

On successful completion of this challenging (but fun) 40-hour course participants will also become a fully qualified CMC Accredited Civil & Commercial Mediator and authorised by Professional Paralegal Mediators in the UK.

At the IoP we believe this is a fantastic opportunity for our members to be able to provide greater services and for law firms to train their Paralegals to become mediators for their firms.

The skills of a mediator are amongst the most important for any modern day lawyer or business person and our challenging five day* programme provides participants with the opportunity to learn and apply the skills needed to effectively mediate civil and commercial disputes.

Successful completion of a face to face course leads to Hunt ADR and Civil Mediation Council Accreditation. Online courses lead to Hunt ADR Accreditation in the first instance with CMC Accreditation to follow at a later date once restrictions allow for face to face meetings.

Days One and Three consist of a mix of pre-recorded and live sessions dealing with the theoretical side of mediation and the different phases in the mediation process. On day one we look at preparation and the opening, and on day three we look at exploration, negotiation (or bargaining) and closing the mediation. Participants engage in role plays on both days. Some pre-recorded video is sent in advance to familiarise participants - the content of those videos is then covered again in live sessions between participants and tutors. Feedback is requested daily with offers of support outside of class hours if required.

Day Two consists of live training and coaching in the arts of communication and other relevant personal skills required to be an effective mediator. Training is delivered by video technology in your groups and will include online exercises and role plays. Feedback is requested daily with offers of support outside of class hours if required.

Day Four consists of pre-recorded and live sessions dealing with the whole mediation process and other important aspects such as mediation case law and ethics.  Some pre-recorded video is sent on the evening of day three to familiarise participants - the content of those videos is then covered again in live sessions between participants and tutors. Day four is heavy in role plays making sure that participants are ready for their recorded assessments on day five.

Day Five is assessment day which will be time tabled in advance. A follow up action plan will also be discussed with participants on day five.​

*Day Six (optional for those participants who wish to achieve CMC Accreditation). Once lockdown restrictions allow we will provide participants with a sixth day in which we will fully recap and review learning from the five day programme with additional segments to prepare participants for their face to face assessments. Further details will be provided once provision for face to face assessments are available. No additional fee will be required though participants must attend at their own cost.

Course Objectives

Participants will receive training and practice their skills via role plays and class exercises. Learning will include:

  • Introduction to

    • the Dispute Resolution Landscape and the Theory of Conflict

    • the Psychology of Conflict within the Context of Mediation

    • relevant Case Law and Conventions

  • Understanding the Role of the Mediator

  • Learning, Developing & Applying Skills required by a Mediator including Communications, Relationship Building & Negotiation Skills

​Participants will receive training and practice their skills via role plays and class exercises. Learning will include:

  • A Developed View of the World of Dispute Resolution

  • Understanding the Role of the Mediator and how the Mediator Facilitates Communications Between the Parties in a Civil & Commercial Context

  • Acquisition of the Basic Knowledge & Skills a Mediator Needs and the Ability to Demonstrate their Application of those Skills in an Assessed Environment​

Your Trainers

Training and coaching is provided by experienced mediators and trainers from our Training Faculty including Gregory Hunt, John Jarrett and Kelly Thornton.

This course has 12 CPD points.

Certificates of attainment will be provided.

Holders of this accredited diploma can apply for a Paralegal Practising Certificate through the PPR if required.

Courses have only 12 places per session. If you would like to become a fully accredited mediator, enabling you to offer mediation services then enrol now.

Online Course Prices

Standard Price £1,500 + VAT (ONLY 1 place left)

IOP Members ONLY Price £1,100 + VAT



How to enrol

To enrol, please contact Gregory Hunt at [email protected]

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